Tuesday, October 11, 2011


i learnt on flickr -

.... that you can always find something positive about any picture, whether you like it or not. it is harder to remember why you ever married your husband on bad days.

.... your comments and faves are (more often than not) reciprocated. not always the case in real time.

.... there is no dearth of beauty. nor of elegance. nor of comfort. all we need is to behold.

.... freindships are born of the heart. of a connection. it has nothing to do with your finances or education. it is more a way of seeing things the (more or less) the same way.

which is why i prefer hobnobbing with flickratti, rather than deal with people in the real world.


Shalini said...

Very well said, especially about seeing things the same way.

Shilpa said...

thank you. i posted this piece without the picture. gee!